Sacramental programmes are an important part of the spiritual life at our school as we prepare the children for their ongoing faith journey.
The Sacramental programme is Parish/School/home based and is organised by the Director of Religious Studies, Fr Pat McGettigan, and Fr Jaewoo Lee. Information meetings are held to assist parents whose children are taking part in the programme. Children receive their preparation lessons both at school and at Sunday Masses. The Sacramental programme is offered to our Year 4 students, where they are invited to make their First Reconciliation, First Holy Communion and Confirmation. This is also available to any of our Year 5 and 6 students who wish to take part.
We also openly invite children to be baptised at any age at St Patrick's Parish.
Father Pat McGettigan is the Parish Priest for St Patrick’s Parish and our school chaplain is Fr Jaewoo Lee. They can be contacted by phoning 03 218 4123 or email